Thursday, June 18, 2015

Australia wont admit supporting corupt regim in PNG

SBS report two nights ago plus some of the comments from various commentators has had me thinking about why Australia has continued to remain quiet in the face of all these massive corrupt and fraudulent dealings in a country that it continuously gives the largest chunk of its aid monies to? There are many factors at play here but I think that to fully understand how and why, one needs to go back to early 2012; on the eve of the Somare/O’Neil political impasse that set us on the road to where we are now. It has, coupled with all the window dressing developments in POM and other parts of PNG, made me ponder another factor in addition to the above.

The second thing has to do with the nature and definition of a “con-man”. I would venture that all these developments (which I termed window dressing developments) are the handiwork of a con-man. A con-man, by definition, takes you into their confidence or vice versa and does things which makes you believe in him until one day you realise that what you thought they were doing for your benefit was the other way around – it was for his benefit. You were just a means to an end. After which he conveniently dumps you like so much garbage and forgets you. I believe there a couple of people who helped form this government but are now out have woken up to this. They were taken in and “conned”. Similarly, we the people of PNG are being conned by “over inflated” projects which are delivered with shoddy workmanship and questionable materials. Highly publicised services to the people which in fact serves to enrich some people while the people get practically nothing. Cases in point are the “free health care” and “free education” schemes. A lot of hot air, much publicity and chest beating while real health service delivery is dwindling and education quality has dropped so much, I wonder how the universities can actually enrol new intakes (which n itself questions the quality and standards of the universities). So PNG, we have been conned and duped! Yes, and big time.

Now why I said go back to 2012 is because people must remember that for a nation that says it is run on respect for the rule of law, Australia has actually shown that it can throw that into the toilet when it suits their purposes. After the Supreme Court of PNG ruled that Gr. Chief Sir Michael T Somare was the legitimate and lawful Prime Minister of PNG, the O’Neil faction rebelled against that decision and did all kinds of things – some comical as per the famous photo of them crashing the gates to Government House.

The thing here is that the Australian Government formally recognised the O’Neil Government as the legitimate government of PNG – despite our Supreme Court ruling otherwise. How did that come about? What deals and concessions were made to allow that to happen? Why did Australia openly chose to disregard the lawful ruling of a Supreme Court of a foreign country? How were the decisions of the Supreme Court unlawful that Australia chose to disregard it? Soon thereafter, we saw the Manus Island deal come to fruition. We all remember that Somare was vehemently against this. Unfortunately for PNG, once they got stuck into it, the Aussies found they couldn’t get out of it for a whole host of reasons.

I would like Messrs. Sam Basil and Belden Namah to come out and say what the deals were that caused Australia to formally recognise their then government, going against the ruling of our Supreme Court. Mr. Basil has taken the first step and made certain allusions to this. As a respected national leader, he should go all the way and put out the dirty laundry for all to see.

One thing has led to another and despite mounting evidence, suspicion and conjecture that something is not quite right in PNG and that almost all its aid money is ending up back in Australia as stolen or laundered money, Australia continue to man the bowels and pump more money into this bottomless pit called PNG. Why should it complain when it is giving with the right hand and taking back through the left hand? Australia is not losing is it?

 So however it gets it, by hook or by crook, it still gets it. If in the process a few million PNGeans suffer from inadequate health care and education, well we’re not Australians are we so why should they care. We are sovereign nation and our internal affairs are not their business. Yet they chose when it suited them, to make our domestic legal business their business by recognising an illegal government in the interests. A blatant case of double standards.

Does anybody think that Australia will ever admit to their mistake and the subsequent suffering they have cause the majority of our people by their actions? Not in our lifetimes in my opinion.
So it is definitely not in Australia’s interests either to take action on corrupt and stolen money entering Australia because by doing so they will have to shake the very foundations on which their Asylum Seeker Policy is built – the deterrence factor of Manus Island.

Thursday, June 11, 2015


 Can PNG build on from this unprecedented development in rugby league with PNG Hunters or even explore the QLD's Intrust Cup prospects?
Queensland's Intrust Super Cup turns out a BIG HIT in PNG after two of its teams, PNG's own Hunters and Souths Magpies took to the capital - Port Moresby for the first time after the introduction of the PNG team to the 2nd Tier Queensland Rugby League in Australia. The match was a trial match to test the newly renovated Sir John Guise Stadium (renamed BSP Stadium) which will host most of the sporting activities of 2015 Pacific Games including the Opening Ceremony.

Intrust Super Cup (ISC) is a second-tier rugby league of Queensland, Australia. Papua New Guinea has a team, the PNG Hunters competing in the league and has been hosting home games in Kokopo, East New Britain since its inception. Kokopo was selected as the Hunters' home ground when the country's old and dilapidated major sporting infrastructures including Sir John Guise Stadium, Sir Hubert Murray Stadium and Lloyd Robson Oval underwent renovation as well as complete overhaul and construction in preparation to host the 2015 Pacific Games.

Many of these infrastructures are nearing completion with Sir John Guise Stadium being the first to be done. Thus the Stadium hosted the above game, many described as spectacular and historical with spectator turn-out or participation hitting an all time high, surpassing or even disparaging any record crowd back in Australia where the Intrust Super Cup originated and is played.

The historic event as well as the interception of the facilities has, according to some Social Media posts, revolutionized sporting in Papua New Guinea and its state-of-the-art or world class facilities would add more flavor in what is expected to develop sports and especially rugby league in Papua New Guinea.
.........................(am not a reporter sic)///////////////
Anyhow, Papua New Guinea watched this historic event and within the next 24 hours, all its social media outlets went viral from every angle with some boosting about the new look stadium, the historic game played between the two teams, the players profile and displays, whilst others including cynical social media personalities (including self) were at their best to throw at anything from the Stadium being half temporary and half permanent to players attitudes, etc.

Well, everything will be history now but I want to raise these issues below to take us to a review of PNG Hunters in terms of Rugby League Development and the Team's position in the overall PNG National Rugby League:

(1). Where does the PNG Hunters fit into in PNGRFL structure?
(2). Which rugby league code in PNG will feed or sustain PNG Hunters' players?
(3). Where will PNG Hunters' products end up?
(4). What do we aim to achieve of PNG Hunters team since its maintenance and or sustainability will consume a lot of tax payers money?
(5). Since the Intrust Super Cup is a big hit in PNG, what does the management has in store to capitalize that momentum and catapult the league's development?
(6). How is PNGRFL aligning the development of rugby league with the PNG Hunters?
(7). What are some of the yardsticks PNG will use from the PNG Hunters to integrate and measure rugby league in PNG?
(8). Overall, how will PNG via its premier institution, PNGRFL drive the code using PNG Hunters as its footstool to take rugby league into the future in PNG as well as in the Australian National Rugby League?
(9). Is PNG Hunters a "NATIONAL" team?
(10). How will the development of PNG Hunters impact on the formation of the PNG Kumul, the country's national team?

These are issues I wish to seek the audience of PNGRFL Management as well as PNG Hunters administrators to discuss with. I will also suggest some ideas and in between the lines, some answers to the questions above will come into the playground.

1): Can PNG propose to the Intrust Super Cup to field FOUR (4) Teams including PNG Hunters? The four PNG Intrust Super Cup teams must represent PNG's four regions (NGI, Southern, Momase and Highlands).
2): If the above request is approved, can PNGRFL "revitalize and restructure" PNG School Boys League to be the Tier or Feeder League for the PNG Hunters plus the other proposed Three Teams? The School Boys League must have Four Plates all representing the four regions.
3): If not, if the proposal can not be done, how then will PNG Hunters feed its players and maintain its player profile? What are the selection criteria? Who select PNG Hunters players? Is playing in the PNG Hunter team a ticket to play in the Kumul team?
4). PNG Kumul selectors have a wider spectrum of leagues to select the national team including: PNG Hunters, Digicel Cup Teams, England League, Australian NRL and others including the Intrust Super Cup, NSW Cup and NSW Holden Cup. But, we have seen the Kumul dominated by the PNG Hunters thus does that indicate something? Is that a fair representation? Do we have a formidable Kumul team to trust? I think one of the worst scenarios of not selecting a fair representation from all spectrum like above dredged or plucked PNG another step lower and probably the worst selection we've had. Selectors ought to understand that PNG Hunters team do not form the core of rugby leagues top breed of players to qualify for PNG Kumul.

There are many ideas coming into mind but I wish to throw the towel to every Papua New Guinean to discuss how we can help develop rugby league and other sports in PNG to par with the modern sporting facilities our current government has delivered to us as the 40th Birth Day present.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


My dear fellow Papua New Guineans, the so called Dr Susan Merrell has in effect said that the Judiciary of the Sovereign State of Papua New Guinea in not infallible, That amounts to sedition and she must be arrested and charged immediately when she is in the country.

The Judiciary in PNG today is the last bastion of democracy and can never be questioned by aliens. The JUDGES RULING IS FINAL therefore the discipline forces will act accordingly to administer justice in so far as the Independent Sovereign State of Papua New Guinea is concerned. PNG has adopted English Common Law from its colonial past. Laws are made to be amended as and when the evolution of the society in question sees fit under its sovereignty therefore Susan Merrell can’t tell Papua New Guineans that their ruling judge has erred.

The Sovereign State of Papua New Guinea is not strictly obligated to follow the provisions of English Common Law,  We have parliamentarians and legislators to amend the Constitutional provisions by the virtue of our political independence accorded to us in 1975 Susan Merrell cannot tell us how to live in our free country.. I think our PM has some idea or may be in some sort of a relationship with Susan Merrel who is allegedly in the country at the moment supposedly staying in Crowne Plaza Hotel. I want to ask this question to my audience:- Has Susan Merrell ever gone against the incumbent PNG Prime Minister since she has seen fit to go against the deputy chief justice? Susan Merrell has an obsession with PNG’s political leaders – first with Belden Namah and now PM. My observations are deduced from her obsessions, persistent and largely unpopular opinions and statements on social media about our people and our government.

Many Papua New Guineans have suggested strongly that PNG blocks Susan Merrell from commenting about PNG politics and social issues but I personally (of course I have the democratic right to) want to be objective as a learned man. So I have decided not to attack Susan Merrel personally but look at the person objectively and try to understand why she published what we believe is highly contemptuous, defamatory and seditious writings against PNG's Deputy Chief Justice.

By the way, I won’t be surprised if Susan Merrel is given a job by GoPNG since she hasn’t said something bad against our PM to my knowledge and we the learned people can see that the Judiciary (headed by CJ Sir Salamo Injia & DCJ Sir Gibbs Salika) is on the opposing ends with PM (separated by a myriad of legal procedures & correctness in administration of justice - ie. warrant of arrest) now since the PM refused to come to the courts to clear his name from the allegations. If PM had his way, he would obviously just terminate CJ Sir Salamo Injia and DCJ Sir Gibbs Salika in the name of ‘political stability’ to put all matters to rest.

Susan Merrell, if you are reading out there, let me tell you this:- PNG is a very small place yet further subdivided into 700 hundred nations. All people living here belong to an identified group therefore it is relatively easy to identify aliens with vested interests in this country. Beware that PNG is no safe haven for you. You are PNG’s public enemy number one for attacking our Judiciary. You have been aftering Belden Namah for some time and now you are after the PM. Your posts suggests that you have conspired with Tiffany Twivey-Nonggorr who had represented PM Peter O’Neill in resisting arrest and questioning by the courts for allegations of fraud by the Fraud Squad.

Now you are here just when the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Independent Sovereign State of Papua New Guinea in its ruling has convicted Geoffrey Vaki the ex-CoP for Not Arresting the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill as ordered by the Papua New Guinea Sovereign Court of Law. This Prime Minster IS UNDER ARREST as per the PNG Sovereign Constitution - Full Stop... Just that Vaki couldn’t effect it doesn’t make the PM free of the blame and allegations.

The PM of PNG is still a suspect (Not Guilty but a SUSPECT) in the alleged K71.8 million payment to Paul Paraka Lawyers – nothing changes that. Susan Merrell, what is your opinion of that since you have seen fit to look around for all potential reasons to say that DCJ Gibbs Salika is not infallible in his rulings?

Monday, June 8, 2015


by The PNGBlogs Staff

Sports and Pacific Games Minister Justin Tkatchenko is under the spotlight again this week after a rape victim has come out publicly to confirm legal proceedings have taken place to claim for damages done to him by the Minister while he was employed at the NCDC Botanical Gardens between 1998 - 2000.

The victim from Wapenmanda district in the Enga Province has confirmed to ThePNGBlogs he has been under duress and he's burdened with feelings of worthlessness, at one point even contemplating suicide and self harm after he was sexually abused by a man who is currently the face of PNG and the Pacific Games.

His intention is to bring to light what happened 16 years ago, The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons is a father of 4 kids is now in his forties.

When queried by PNGBlogs on the long delay in seeking justice he said he could not hide this anymore after his family and tribe asked him to speak out because on his Anorectal diseases or Anal Disorder, he has been living in shame from his family all these years but decided he has had enough and is seeking damages in Court.

Justin Tkatchenko has never been arrested even after various complaints have been filed with the Police. He said the minister would pay them extra incentives for giving him oral sex and would and would also provide extra cash if he thinks you like it.

The whole picture of Justin Tkatchenko is that of a general ratbag and corrupt manipulator. A big fish attracted to the small pond of PNG. A fraud, a fake and a sodomist. That's why a lot of people are praying for Justin's failure at the Pacific Games. They reckon it is long deserved payback for the contempt our Tkatchenko has thrown at the grassroots of Papua New Guinea for the last two decades. Justin Tkatchenko came to PNG supposedly to do good and has done very well indeed.