Wednesday, June 10, 2015


My dear fellow Papua New Guineans, the so called Dr Susan Merrell has in effect said that the Judiciary of the Sovereign State of Papua New Guinea in not infallible, That amounts to sedition and she must be arrested and charged immediately when she is in the country.

The Judiciary in PNG today is the last bastion of democracy and can never be questioned by aliens. The JUDGES RULING IS FINAL therefore the discipline forces will act accordingly to administer justice in so far as the Independent Sovereign State of Papua New Guinea is concerned. PNG has adopted English Common Law from its colonial past. Laws are made to be amended as and when the evolution of the society in question sees fit under its sovereignty therefore Susan Merrell can’t tell Papua New Guineans that their ruling judge has erred.

The Sovereign State of Papua New Guinea is not strictly obligated to follow the provisions of English Common Law,  We have parliamentarians and legislators to amend the Constitutional provisions by the virtue of our political independence accorded to us in 1975 Susan Merrell cannot tell us how to live in our free country.. I think our PM has some idea or may be in some sort of a relationship with Susan Merrel who is allegedly in the country at the moment supposedly staying in Crowne Plaza Hotel. I want to ask this question to my audience:- Has Susan Merrell ever gone against the incumbent PNG Prime Minister since she has seen fit to go against the deputy chief justice? Susan Merrell has an obsession with PNG’s political leaders – first with Belden Namah and now PM. My observations are deduced from her obsessions, persistent and largely unpopular opinions and statements on social media about our people and our government.

Many Papua New Guineans have suggested strongly that PNG blocks Susan Merrell from commenting about PNG politics and social issues but I personally (of course I have the democratic right to) want to be objective as a learned man. So I have decided not to attack Susan Merrel personally but look at the person objectively and try to understand why she published what we believe is highly contemptuous, defamatory and seditious writings against PNG's Deputy Chief Justice.

By the way, I won’t be surprised if Susan Merrel is given a job by GoPNG since she hasn’t said something bad against our PM to my knowledge and we the learned people can see that the Judiciary (headed by CJ Sir Salamo Injia & DCJ Sir Gibbs Salika) is on the opposing ends with PM (separated by a myriad of legal procedures & correctness in administration of justice - ie. warrant of arrest) now since the PM refused to come to the courts to clear his name from the allegations. If PM had his way, he would obviously just terminate CJ Sir Salamo Injia and DCJ Sir Gibbs Salika in the name of ‘political stability’ to put all matters to rest.

Susan Merrell, if you are reading out there, let me tell you this:- PNG is a very small place yet further subdivided into 700 hundred nations. All people living here belong to an identified group therefore it is relatively easy to identify aliens with vested interests in this country. Beware that PNG is no safe haven for you. You are PNG’s public enemy number one for attacking our Judiciary. You have been aftering Belden Namah for some time and now you are after the PM. Your posts suggests that you have conspired with Tiffany Twivey-Nonggorr who had represented PM Peter O’Neill in resisting arrest and questioning by the courts for allegations of fraud by the Fraud Squad.

Now you are here just when the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Independent Sovereign State of Papua New Guinea in its ruling has convicted Geoffrey Vaki the ex-CoP for Not Arresting the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill as ordered by the Papua New Guinea Sovereign Court of Law. This Prime Minster IS UNDER ARREST as per the PNG Sovereign Constitution - Full Stop... Just that Vaki couldn’t effect it doesn’t make the PM free of the blame and allegations.

The PM of PNG is still a suspect (Not Guilty but a SUSPECT) in the alleged K71.8 million payment to Paul Paraka Lawyers – nothing changes that. Susan Merrell, what is your opinion of that since you have seen fit to look around for all potential reasons to say that DCJ Gibbs Salika is not infallible in his rulings?

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